Tag Archives: female genital mutilation

Charlotte Frances Littlewood on Radicalization, Extremism, and Counter-Extremism

by | January 28, 2018

  By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Charlotte Littlewood is the Counter Extremism Coordinator for an area of East London that ranks as one of the highest at-risk areas in the country to radicalization and extremism. She spent two years delivering on the Prevent strategy, helping safeguard individuals from radicalization, which involved working on cases that prevented… Read more »

Weekly Update: to

by | September 9, 2017

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 2-Sep-2017 to 8-Sep-2017.

Liberals Acting Badly: The Smears Against Sam Harris Continue

by | October 13, 2014

Glen Greenwald and Reza Aslan seem obsessed with smearing Sam Harris. Most of us have seen Reza Aslan in action before, insisting that FGM is not an Islamic practice (technically correct but practically wrong) and claiming that Indonesian women live in a free and open society. Many have refuted his claims (see here and here for… Read more »