Tag Archives: My Ontario Atheist Network

MOAN: My Ontario Atheist Network

by | August 3, 2014

By Chrystalla Themistocleous, Founder & President My Ontario Atheist Network The idea behind My Ontario Atheist Network started a couple of years ago. I had just moved back to Toronto from Cyprus, and was looking to become active in my local atheist community. Finding atheists in Cyprus, a tiny country with approximately 98% religiosity, was… Read more »

Canadian Apatheist

by | July 26, 2014

As defined in Wikipedia, “Apatheism, also known as pragmatic atheism or practical atheism, is acting with apathy, disregard, or lack of interest towards belief or disbelief in a deity.” In Chris Silvers’ academic work on atheism, this falls under the non-theist type, which is one of six sub-types that he describes. Contrary to the popular cultural… Read more »