Tag Archives: International Association of Free Thought

“Theology, It’s as Simple as God + God = 3”

by | November 12, 2015

The quote, “Theology, It’s as Simple as God + God = 3,” by Jacques Prévert, heads the latest article by Marco DeRossi, member of the Board of Directors for Atheist Freethinkers/Libres penseurs athées, entitled “Is Theology Harmful to Humanity?“: On September 20th 2015, the International Association of Free Thought (IAFT), on the occasion of its… Read more »

International Association of Free Thought

by | September 6, 2014

The International Association of Free Thought (IAFT) held its IVth congress in London, England on August 11th. David Rand. president of Atheist Freethinkers (AFT) and IAFT spokesperson has posted a brief report on the AFT website. Rand’s report focuses on the efforts of Christianity, in particular Roman Catholicism, to undermine secularism: The first talk of… Read more »

Release Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi

by | May 23, 2014

On May 20th, the International Association of Free Thought (IAFT) sent an appeal asking for the release of Saudi blogger Raif Badawi. On May 23, Atheist Freethinkers joined the appeal launched by the (IAFT) with the following press release sent to John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Ambassador Andrew Bennett, office of Religious Freedom: Canada… Read more »