Tag Archives: traditional medicine

Attorney general, Six Nations, McMaster Children’s Hospital Have Good News!

by | April 25, 2015

Finally some good news in a legal case that up-to-now has been heart wrenching and frustrating. I’m of course referring to the case of JJ, the First Nations girl whose mother decided last Fall to replace her chemotherapy treatment (a treatment that gave her a 90-95% chance of recovery) with traditional medicine, mostly administered at the Florida Health… Read more »

Doctor’s Award Adds Insult to Injury

by | March 26, 2015

I wrote about the aboriginal girls “JJ” and Makayla, who were striken with leukaemia here, here, here and here. The parents of both girls stopped their chemotherapy in favour of an exclusively alternative treatment at the Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in Florida. One of the girls, Makayla, has since died from her disease. It is… Read more »

Makayla Sault Died Because Canada’s Institutions Failed Her

by | January 24, 2015

I’ve been remiss in submitting articles for Canadian Atheist recently; I’ve been busy with a new job and all the new appointments that result when you discover a new health issue. This all means I missed the opportunity to comment on the death of Makayla Sault, the First Nation’s girl with leukemia whose parents stopped… Read more »

Former Staff Sue Florida Spa that Treated First Nations Girls with Cancer

by | December 12, 2014

Remember the Aboriginal girls suffering from leukaemia whose parents ceased their chemotherapy treatment to instead pursue alternative treatments at the Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in Florida (see posts here and here)? Two former HHI employees claim they were fired because they documented that they were being asked to do illegal things and they are in the… Read more »

An Aboriginal Perspective on the Decision to Take 11-Year-Old Girl Off Chemo in Favour of Traditional Medicine

by | November 26, 2014

—- Update: I was confused about two related cases. It is Makayla Sault who had the fundamentalist Christian parents. The CBC show, White Coat, Black Art did a show on her case which is identical to this girl’s as she is an Aboriginal child with leukaemia whose parents stopped her treatment in favour of receiving treatment in Florida. Sadly but… Read more »