Tag Archives: ex-Muslims

Interview with Sadia Hameed – Spokesperson, Council of Ex Muslims of Britain

by | November 19, 2019

— By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Sadia Hameed is an ex-Muslim and human rights activist focused on women’s rights in particular. She is a Spokesperson for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. She grew up in Oxford. She lost faith at age 15. Her brother was bullied for speaking out as an atheist and, likely due to… Read more »

Anonymous Interview with a South African Ex-Muslim

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What was early life like for you, e.g., geography, culture, language, religion or lack thereof, education, and family structure and dynamics? South African Ex-Muslim: I grew up in Durban, the third largest city in South Africa on the east coast and home to a large community of origin (the… Read more »

Interview with Administrator of “Ex-Muslims of India”

by | April 17, 2019

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Here we talk with the Administrator of “Ex-Muslims of India.” Scott Douglas Jacobsen: For those leaving Islam in India, what are the main difficulties for them? Administrator, “Ex-Muslims of India”: Well, to be honest, the main difficulties be it Muslims in India or Muslims elsewhere is the belief system that has been… Read more »

Interview with Azis – Administrator, “Ex-Muslim Atheist”

by | April 14, 2019

Azis is the Administrator of “Ex-Muslims Atheist.” Here we talk some ex-Muslim communities. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How did you become involved in the ex-Muslim community? Azis: I became involved in the ex-Muslim community around 3 years ago. I was not a part of the community until a year later after I found out about the… Read more »