Tag Archives: Atheist Republic

2021 Canadian Atheist Awards – Story of the year

by | February 8, 2021

The 2021 Story of the year award goes the the story that generated the most interest or had the most impact in 2020.

Unheard Voices in the Mubarak Bala case

— By Robert Hamilton The dangerous circumstances surrounding atheist and President of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, Mubarak Bala, have risen to broader levels of international attention. Major organizations like the United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner and Amnesty International have been contacted about this case, but, at this point, they have not made any… Read more »

Interview with Stefan Paintner of Atheist Refugee Relief

by | November 20, 2019

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Stefan Paintner works for Atheist Refugee Relief. Here we learn more about some of the issues and difficulties of refugees, and the manner in which organizations can help support them to safety. This issue, apart from religion, will continue to increase as a problem for many years. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How did… Read more »

In Conversation with Atheist Republic’s CEO – Allie Jackson

by | January 19, 2018

  By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Scott Douglas Jacobsen: We have talked before. I wanted to reach out because the Atheist Republic remains the largest atheist Facebook page in the world. As its CEO, you hold power and influence in the international atheist community. Internationally, the population of the formal irreligious stands at about 16% or… Read more »