Tag Archives: Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association

Questions for Catholic Education Week

by | April 24, 2015

During Catholic Education Week 2015, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) and the Ontario Catholic Schools Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) will be “Exploring Paths of Joy” with Catholic students enrolled in Ontario’s Catholic schools. From May 4 to May 8, students in Ontario’s Catholic schools will be Walking Together and Sharing [their] Story Opening the… Read more »

Ontario Bishops: MYOB

by | April 18, 2014

Ontario bishops should be told, “MYOB: mind your own business” about the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association’s decision to march in the June 29 Pride Parade in downtown Toronto: OECTA president James Ryan said the union’s presence is a sign of support for those teachers, staff and students of the Catholic school system who identify… Read more »

Thank You Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association

by | March 16, 2014

Dear OECTA Members Thank you for your decision to march in Toronto’s WorldPride parade on June 29: “Registering for, and marching in, the World Pride Parade is a visible symbol of solidarity with one of the most marginalized groups in the Catholic community” However, it appears that honest to God Catholics in Ontario are feeling… Read more »

Michael Coren Speaks Candidly

by | March 14, 2014

Michael Coren, who can explain Why Catholics Are Right, has taken to the pages of the Toronto Sun to explain why “[i]t’s been an extraordinary week for Roman Catholic education in Canada.” First he discusses Christopher Karas, who accuses his school, École Secondaire Catholique Sainte-Famille, of “rampant and prolonged homophobic behaviour.” However, Coren being Coren, admits,… Read more »