Tag Archives: Civil Rights in Public Education

Weekly Update: to

by | April 21, 2018

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 14-Apr-2018 to 20-Apr-2018.

Renton Patterson – President, Civil Rights in Public Education

by | October 30, 2017

  Renton Patterson is the President of Civil Rights in Public Education (CRIPE). Here we talk about the history of the separate school system, violation of the Charter, the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, and more. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Why is there a separate school system in the first place? Renton Patterson: A brief account of how… Read more »

Speaking of One School System for All: What About One Sexual Education Curriculum?

by | October 25, 2017

  Scott Douglas Jacobsen There has been discussion over a long time with some ‘flash-points’ about one publicly-funded education system in Canada. Organizations such as Civil Rights in Public Education (CRIPE), One Public Education Now (OPEN), One Public School System for Ontario, One School System, OneSystemSask, and others, presumably (CRIPE, 2017a; OPEN, 2017; One Public… Read more »

Please Donate

by | March 16, 2016

Civil Rights In Public Education (CRIPE) has initiated a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal: Filed early this year, the Application to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal complains about the treatment one student has received from Roman Catholic school board personnel when she applied for an exemption from religious courses and programs in one… Read more »

Catholic Schools: Debate? What Debate?

by | January 17, 2016

An article on CanLII Connects.org says On April 4, 2014, the Ontario Divisional Court ruled in Erazo et al. v. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board that, pursuant to the Education Act, certain students of Catholic public schools are entitled to an exemption, upon request, from some religious activities, such as mass and religious retreats. Given… Read more »

“It’s Time To Excommunicate Public Catholic Schools”

by | January 9, 2016

Everyone who objects to publicly-funded Catholic schools will agree with Joshua Ostroff’s arguments against them in the Huffington Post Canada article “It’s Time To Excommunicate Public Catholic Schools”: The kids are back in class and the new year is upon us. In light of the shocking honesty from Catholic school trustees in Edmonton and Toronto… Read more »