Daily Archives: November 12, 2014

“You Know the Story”

by | November 12, 2014

In today’s post on The Inside Agenda Blog, Steve Paikin asks, “Would the Ontario Government Ever Consider De-Funding the Catholic School System?” Paikin begins his article by providing some familiar background about public funding of Catholic schools in Ontario: You know the story. Nearly 150 years ago, the Fathers of Confederation made a grand compromise… Read more »

No Atheists in Foxholes? I could care less.

by | November 12, 2014

 When the dust settled on the terrible attack on parliament last month, we noted with frustration the irksome phrase “no atheists in foxholes” appeared in a speech, otherwise moving in its call for unity in government, made by Green Party leader Elizabeth May shortly afterward. Its appearance early in an address that went on to… Read more »