7 thoughts on “Seven-Question Quiz on Quebec Charter

  1. dusttodust

    100% But I wasn’t sure of the actual charter being changed but I guessed right.

  2. Glen MacDonald

    I guess 100% is a bare pass. Damn! Why no bonus questions?? 🙂

    The only thing truly shocking aspect of the proposed changes is that they don’t start by removing the crucifix from the legislature.

  3. Bubba Kincaid

    Seems like spineless fear mongering to me and the totally wrong direction.

    The point is to make the PUBLIC SECTOR as a whole, non-denominational, not private individuals.

    There is no better explicit symbol of tolerance and justice than walking into the driver’s license offence and seeing one booth worker wearing a cross, the adjacent booth worker wearing a turban, then next wearing a hijab, and the last wearing an “I love atheism” T shirt.

    1. Bubba Kincaid

      Or maybe, the amendment should force people to wear humongous supersized versions of each proscribed item.

      So if you wanna wear a cross, you are only allowed to do so if it is a massive pendant which passes your shoulders in girth and reaches below the belly button.

      If you wanna wear a turban, then it must be so large as to only allow one finger on either side between it and the side and top jambs of a standard sized doorway.

      And if you wanna wear an atheism t-shirt then it must be lettered in x-large wearable-led lit font and must use expletives e.g., “F[_]ck God and anything that ever Spawned from It!”.

  4. Wayne Plimmer

    I am so tired of people asking Why can’t you leave religion alone? Here is a narrative from Seth Andrew, the Thinking Atheist. Couldn’t have said it better myself!

    Religion permeates our culture, shows up on our doorsteps with literature, scriptures and threats of eternal damnation, influences our science books, contaminates our political systems, indoctrinates our children and postulates that its doctrine must be followed, lest we be destroyed in body, in soul, or both.
    Non-believers are simply responding to the avalanche of religious messages that bears down upon us daily.
    Religion gets carte blanche to be as vocal as it wants, to knock on our doors and accost us in our homes, in our places of work, in our personal and professional lives. Believers are charged with a life mission to preach, teach, disciple, shout it from the mountaintops and to “go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Religion…is everywhere.
    Ask yourself. When’s the last time an atheist rang your doorbell with the Good News of Humanism? How often do you find Richard Dawkins books in the dresser drawers of your hotel rooms? When was the last atheist temple erected in your neighborhood? Have you ever attended an atheist revival? Has atheism demanded 10% of your household income? How many dedicated atheist television channels come through your satellite dish? How many atheist verses were you instructed to memorize as a child? When’s the last time someone thanked a FARMER (or even the cook) at the dinner table instead of God?
    Just remember. Religion began the argument. It amplifies itself before the world. And it threatens all mankind with punishment upon its rejection.
    We are atheists. We are moral. We are reasonable. We are thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate, happy, fulfilled and well-informed.
    And as long as religion insists on fixing human beings who are not broken, we will respond with the evidence that we are not the problem.

    1. Bubba Kincaid

      I’m sorry but this is simply not a logical argument when it comes to dictating what people are allowed to wear on their own persons.

      This is definitely without a doubt, a good solid and even profoundly logical piece of prose when it comes to forcefully quelling all the things listed in the piece itself.

      But I absolutely and unequivocally draw the line at attempts to tell me, or anyone else, what I can and cannot wear on my own body. And that leads me to be accepting of people wearing whatever religious symbols they freely choose to wear both in private and public employment.

      And if your argument is that some people are forced to wear things against their will, then by all means whomever is doing the forcing should be prosecuted. That’s a no-brainer and is completely consistent with my views of personal free choice in vestment.

      Let me remind you, that when Atheists finally come up with an effective way to help other people cope with massively painful tragedy, religion will simply just go away.

      But until then, none of you can tell me that you’re not guilty of implying to people that you don’t particularly at all care for and that are in need of some sort of help coping with some undeniably tragic circumstance, to go pray or something, just to get rid of them.


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