Tag Archives: freedom of expression

Weekly Update: to

by | August 14, 2021

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 7-Aug-2021 to 13-Aug-2021.

Ask Takudzwa 32 – Freer Expression and the State in Zimbabwe

by | January 31, 2021

Takudzwa Mazwienduna is the informal leader of Zimbabwean Secular Alliance and a member of the Humanist Society of Zimbabwe. This educational series will explore secularism in Zimbabwe from an organizational perspective, and more. Here we talk about Article 61(4) of the Zimbabwean Constitution. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Article 61(4)(a) of the Zimbabwean Constitution (2013) states, “All State-owned… Read more »

Ask Takudzwa 30 – If You Can Hear Me, Then You Can or Can’t Heed Me, But Don’t Silence Me

by | July 18, 2020

— By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Takudzwa Mazwienduna is the informal leader of Zimbabwean Secular Alliance and a member of the Humanist Society of Zimbabwe. This educational series will explore secularism in Zimbabwe from an organizational perspective, and more. Here we talk about the freedom of expression within the context of the Zimbabwean 2013 Constitution. *Interview conducted on… Read more »

Ask Annie Laurie 3 – A-Divine Divides: Free Expression and Speech, and Social Justice

by | September 11, 2019

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Annie Laurie Gaylor is the Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) with Dan Barker. She has been part of the fight against the encroachment of religion on secular culture, and human and women’s rights for decades. She is the author of Woe to Women: The Bible Tells Me So (FFRF, Inc., 1981), Betrayal… Read more »

Is It Blasphemy or Honesty?

by | September 10, 2019

By James Haught James Haught is editor of West Virginia’s largest newspaper, The Charleston Gazette, and a senior editor of Free Inquiry. He is 87-years-old and would like to help secular causes more. This series is a way of giving back, as he opens in No Qualms (Ed., published on 2018, July 18, i.e., when he was 86), “I’m quite aware… Read more »