On September 18, Mike Lacey from Peterborough This Week posted the article “It’s Time to Accept People for Who They Are, Not Who You Want Them to Be.” Lacey points out,
while over the past 13 years we have seen huge positive steps taken for Canada’s gay community, the one area that we still seem to fall short is the recognition of our transgender citizens.
Lacey goes on to say
this entire . . . conversation revolves around adults
there are children in Peterborough today who are transgender, yet cannot quite explain it or are even aware that they are. Yet they will struggle with their identity and their gender, mainly because of us.
Lacey’s argument is rational and persuasive; however, Benjamin Inglis (Peterborough) doesn’t think so. At first it was easy to sympathize but not agree with Inglis’ objection:
What about those of us who want to respectfully disagree, but aren’t placard waving trans-haters? What if the reason I warn someone I care about against a certain decision is not because I’m afraid or that I’m just ignorant, but because I believe that what someone “feels” or “needs” concerning themselves, may not actually be the best thing for them?
Then Inglis mentions “Jesus”:
There is hope for us; but it will not be found in a parade, a sexual identity, or the impassioned tremolo of a news article. If you have ears to hear, listen – the still small voice of Jesus still rises over the din, “come to me all you who are weary, and I will give you rest.”
There is no hope for us, and most especially for children, if we and they depend on Inglis’ Jesus. When has Jesus ever given rest to children “who are weary” hungry, physically or mentally abused or coming to a realization of their sexuality.
Inglis’ Jesus is famous for the phrase “I say unto you,” but all Jesus does is say, not act. As Lacey says,
Others can choose to not listen, to deny what individuals are telling them. That won’t remove the reality.
The reality is children are looking to us, adults, for help.
Jesus poetry won’t solve any real issues but it will make those who are deeply in love with their imaginary man-savior feel special.
Excellent post Veronica!
Thanks Heather, Inglis’ letter to the editor really pissed me off.