Daily Archives: October 31, 2015

Fighting like zealots

by | October 31, 2015

I recently received an email update from the BC Humanist Association and was gob-smacked by their reference to a Michael Coren article (The alternative to assisted dying is not living) in the Toronto Star which takes to task the (thankfully soon to be former) Harper government’s theocratic collusion with the Christian right on the core… Read more »

Happy Holy-Ween?

by | October 31, 2015

If you thought Halloween was just a harmless occasion for dressing up like your favourite celebrity while skull-shaped celestial objects hurtled past overhead, think again. Experts understand that this seemingly lighthearted celebration is fraught with little-known hazards. Rome’s chief exorcist, Gabriel Amorth, has warned of a danger to young people at Halloween, because of the… Read more »