We think we have solved the problem, but if you can see any problems on your screen or device please let us know in the comments.
We think we have solved the problem, but if you can see any problems on your screen or device please let us know in the comments.
I bet we were hacked by a loving christian
There needs to be better security offered by the internet providers. Plus, there should be an agency that can track these hackers. They were able to trace the Sony hackers back to North Korea, even though they kept using different IP addresses. There are hackers who can beat the hackers and it needs to be a normal part of our service. Face Book, Google, et al have become billionaires because of us, so they need to start catching and prosecuting these scumbags.
I’m seeing a link to “psychologische Behandlung ed” in the navigation strip.
Thank you, Susan. We are in the process of fixing the website and removing these messages.