Labels are finicky things, and don’t always communicate what we intend, but I really liked this, so I share, in case you missed it:
Smart woman.
Labels are finicky things, and don’t always communicate what we intend, but I really liked this, so I share, in case you missed it:
Smart woman.
Not so smart, unfortunately. While I like the window-dressing of gender egalitarianism (apparently it’s becoming important enough to actually discuss now, which is nice) her interest in men and boys ends at the point they are not useful to women. And despite her brief mention of a wider gender spectrum, she immediately retreats to the concept of “HeForShe”. (“WeForAll” is too difficult a concept, I guess.)
This is not gender egalitarianism, but the same old sexist feminism.
Also, I have to marvel at the boldness of telling a body that must surely include many non-Western countries how very very badly Emma has had it. I kept waiting to hear of any issue that might impact women primarily in the third world, but I admit I may have missed it. Is the problem in Islamic countries really that women are paid a few percentage points less of whatever currency? Because that’s not what I hear women from Islamic countries saying.
Every human being has implicit biases and an inherently narrow perspective. I have no problem with feminists who see feminism as about ’empowering women’, as opposed to the more idealistic and shadowy ‘equality’ that no two humans has ever completely agreed on.
Her position might be that of a self interested feminist, but that is an entirely reasonable and rational position for any woman to take. She seems however, to be able to see beyond the insular circle-the-wagons feminism that so characterizes SJ land. A small step maybe, but an important one.
And as a multimillionaire, an entirely unnecessary thing.
And she made it clear that she viewed herself as very privileged, her point seems to have been that even someone with all of her advantages has felt the sting of sexism. She wasn’t doing the woe is me routine at all. And she seemed well received so getting vicariously offended for the poor Muslims in the audience is BS.
Is the problem in Islamic countries really that women are paid a few percentage points less of whatever currency? Because that’s not what I hear women from Islamic countries saying.
Right. One of their problems is that they and their families are getting mercilessly slaughtered from all sides and by everyone.