Tag Archives: Trump

America’s Ugly Flaw

by | July 9, 2021

By James Haught Sometimes it seems like we live in a huge loony bin where things make no sense. How could the world’s richest, strongest nation give its highest office to a crude, vulgar, shallow, petty, self-worshiping, obnoxious, racist schmuck? How can Donald Trump draw so much political support? Is it raw racism — widespread approval of… Read more »

Ask Jon 28: American Democracy and Historical Cycles, and Breakthroughs

by | July 3, 2021

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Jonathan Engel, J.D. is the President of the Secular Humanist Society of New York. Here we talk about Election Day and American democracy. *Interview conducted November 2, 2020.* Scott Douglas Jacobsen: This will be published after the election, so consider this something like an in-the-moment interview with a retrospective publication date. So, we… Read more »

Ask Jon 25: Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst

by | June 3, 2021

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Jonathan Engel, J.D. is the President of the Secular Humanist Society of New York. Here we talk about Election Day 2020. *Interview conducted on October 26, 2020.* Scott Jacobsen: Off tape, you said something. Was it an older Yiddish phrase. Okay, Jon, why did we come to you stating that particular quote? Engel: Well,… Read more »

Ask Jon 5 – Darkness Trumped by a (Lit) Candle

by | May 26, 2020

— By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Jonathan Engel, J.D. is the President of the Secular Humanist Society of New York. Here we talk about science, Trump, Fauci, and anti-intellectualism. *Interview conducted on March 23, 2020.* Scott Douglas Jacobsen: So, there has been a lot of things going on around Covid-19. In the United States, it is having… Read more »

Religion-Tinged Politics

by | November 24, 2019

By James Haught James Haught is editor of West Virginia’s largest newspaper, The Charleston Gazette, and a senior editor of Free Inquiry. He is 87-years-old and would like to help secular causes more. This series is a way of giving back. — White evangelicals put Donald Trump into the White House.  They swarmed to the 2016 election in high… Read more »