Daily Archives: November 14, 2017

Moratorium on Catholic School Construction

by | November 14, 2017

  By Scott Douglas Jacobsen ourIDEA is calling for a moratorium on Catholic school construction. A press release was published today (ourIDEA, 2017a). They make an explicit series of calls. Former Alberta Education Minister David King has made the call. Earlier in November, he made a petition calling for a referendum on the continuance of… Read more »

Religion: Glimpses of its Future

by | November 14, 2017

  By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Something of interest to me in terms of the sociological analysis of religion in Canadian society is the futurist perspective or the futurism perspective on religion. I do not mean science fiction. I mean the potential streams in the evolution of religion in light of modernity as well as kinds… Read more »

We’re back, baby!

by | November 14, 2017

In December 2013, Canadian Atheist suffered a catastrophic hack that completely obliterated the site and destroyed all our old archives. We may never be able to recover them. We were hacked again and again in August 2014, December 2014, and so on.