Huzzah! CNN is interested in us, as it promises to provide a glimpse into the lives of regular atheists in its special report: Atheists: Inside the World of Non-Believers. You can view the trailer on CNN’s site; the full report will air Tuesday, March 24 at 9PM ET.
From the trailer, it looks pretty good (in other words, it doesn’t appear to be mean spirited); there are clips of an interview with Jerry DeWitt talking about leaving his religion (and losing his family and his job as a consequence) as well as footage of David Silverman (President of American Atheists) being firebrand-y. And they aren’t made out to be baby-eating, devil worshipping hateful jerks!
I’m curious to see if the report is fair to atheists throughout and I’m hoping we will see it in Canada!
h/t David Silverman