Tag Archives: AMerica

Ask Jon 35: The ‘Fuck You’ Stance

by | July 17, 2021

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Jonathan Engel, J.D. is the President of the Secular Humanist Society of New York. Here we talk about cult-infused politics. *Interview conducted March 1, 2021.* Scott Douglas Jacobsen: So, Trump came out. He’s given his first speech since his second impeachment, failing to win at the election, and the inauguration of the Biden-Harris administration.… Read more »

Ask Professor Burge 15: The Crystal Ball for American Republicans

by | June 17, 2021

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Professor Ryan Burge‘s website states: “I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science as well as the Graduate Coordinator at Eastern Illinois University. I teach in a variety of areas, including American institutions, political behavior, and research methods. My research focuses largely on the intersection between religiosity and political behavior (especially in… Read more »

Ask Professor Burge 13: Christianity on Bleach in the Middle East

by | June 10, 2021

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Professor Ryan Burge‘s website states: “I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science as well as the Graduate Coordinator at Eastern Illinois University. I teach in a variety of areas, including American institutions, political behavior, and research methods. My research focuses largely on the intersection between religiosity and political behavior (especially in… Read more »

Ask Professor Burge 10: Academia and Religion

by | June 3, 2021

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Professor Ryan Burge‘s website states: “I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science as well as the Graduate Coordinator at Eastern Illinois University. I teach in a variety of areas, including American institutions, political behavior, and research methods. My research focuses largely on the intersection between religiosity and political behavior (especially in… Read more »

The God Biz, Part 2

by | October 16, 2020

By James Haught James Haught is editor of West Virginia’s largest newspaper, The Charleston Gazette, and a senior editor of Free Inquiry. He is 87-years-old and would like to help secular causes more. This series is a way of giving back. — (Jan. 1, 2020 – Daylight Atheism) Ironically, victims of a gospel rip-off rarely realize that they’re… Read more »

Interview with Donna Lent – President, National Women’s Political Caucus

by | August 11, 2020

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Donna Lent is the President of the National Women’s Political Caucus. Her profile states: “Donna Lent, a member of NWPC for twenty-five years, was elected to an unprecedented third term as President at the NWPC Biennial Convention in 2019. Donna has successfully reduced overhead for the National office by 62%. Prior to… Read more »