Tag Archives: The Legion of Reason

The Legion of Reason is a podcast out of Calgary, Alberta which discusses current events from a skeptical perspective.

The Calgary Pride Parade with Christine M. Shellska

by | September 30, 2017

Christine Shellska is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Communication, Media and Film, Faculty of Arts, at the University of Calgary, Canada. Her research involves studying the rhetorical strategies employed by the Intelligent Design Creationism movement, and her areas of focus include history, philosophy and sociology of science, and rhetoric. Among other involvement in… Read more »

Weekly Update: to

by | March 11, 2017

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 4-Mar-2017 to 10-Mar-2017.

Physician Assisted Dying in Canada

by | January 7, 2016

In this January 4, 2016 Legion of Reason video, the Supreme Irreverend Doctor Randy Tyson discusses the history of the fight to recognize the right to die in Canada, common arguments against physician-assisted death and where the next battleground is likely to be. At @19:20 Tyson provides an example of the unconscionable “purely religion based… Read more »