Tag Archives: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Weekly Update: to

by | May 6, 2017

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 29-Apr-2017 to 5-May-2017.

Weekly Update: to

by | April 15, 2017

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 8-Apr-2017 to 14-Apr-2017.

Weekly Update: to

by | February 25, 2017

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 18-Feb-2017 to 24-Feb-2017.

Be Thankful for Evolution on American Thanksgiving

by | November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbours to the south! Here is an amusing SMBC (Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal) Cartoon for the occasion. Of course, the turkeys Americans (and Canadians) eat are artificially selected to be so large they can neither fly nor reproduce (they need to be artificially inseminated).

A Humourous Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Cartoon

by | February 28, 2014

Zach Weiner, who creates the SMBC (Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal) cartoons is an atheist and many of his creations tend to have an atheistic slant. This amusing rendition of an existence guide reflects the anti-religion stance of many of his works and to my delight lists existentialism in the happy column.