Tag Archives: law

Ask HRW (Israel and Palestine) Addendum: Some History and Contextualization of Rights

by | March 20, 2020

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Adaptations and changes made based on feedback from some readers with the Addendum, here, as one supplementary piece to the educational series with Human Rights Watch. Other materials can be found through keyword search on the Canadian Atheist website for “Ask HRW (Israel and Palestine).” Duly note, as some history and contextualization… Read more »

A person who represents themself, has a fool for a client

by | December 5, 2019

It’s being widely reported today that Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal has rejected the bid of the Church of Atheism of Central Canada to be recognized as a charity. As someone who’s called Canada’s charity law “antiquated and ill suited for modern purposes” and repeatedly called for modernization, this case is incredible frustrating for me… Read more »

Interview with Kate Bukulu Sman on Kill the Gay Bill and Draconian Anti-LGBTI efforts by the State

by | October 20, 2019

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Kate Bukulu Sman is a Humanist from Uganda. Here we talk about the anti-LGBTI bill with an emphasis on the gay community. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: The titled “kill the gay” bill from Uganda received some news attention, recently. What is the start of the bill, this narrative? Kate Bukulu Sman: It is… Read more »

Weekly Update: to

by | October 6, 2018

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 29-Sep-2018 to 5-Oct-2018.