Tag Archives: British Columbia

Ask Dr. P.B. 1 – Religious Privilege in Practice in Canada: Municipal Prayers & Permissive Tax Exemptions

by | October 10, 2020

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff has been a community organizer for more than 15 years. He has been active in Saanich municipal politics. He earned a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the University of Cambridge and two BAs from the University of Calgary in Political Science and International Relations, respectively. He… Read more »

2020 Canadian Atheist Awards – Story of the year

by | January 28, 2020

The next award in the 2020 Canadian Atheist Awards is “Story of the year”. This award is for the news or cultural story that captured the most interest or had the most impact among Canadian atheists in 2019.

Winning the fight against religious privilege

by | January 8, 2020

By Ian Bushfield — After discussing what we’re up against last week, we saw a major change on Thursday when the Legislature agreed to amend its practice of starting each day’s session with “prayers” to “prayers and reflections.” This change came as a result of your campaigning on this issue. It shows that those challenges – religious privilege and apathy… Read more »