Chat with Bwambale Robert Musubaho on the Kasese Humanist School

by | May 12, 2018


By Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Robert Bwambale is the founder of the Kasese United Humanist Association (KUHA) with “the goal of promoting Freethought in Uganda.” The association is affiliated with the extremely active Uganda Humanist Association (UHA). In March, the UHA held a conference in Kampala whose theme was Humanism For a Free and Prosperous Africa. The Kasese United Humanist Association is a member organization in the IHEYO Africa Working Group, and has participated in humanist conferences. He is also the director of a few primary schools set up to encourage a humanistic method of learning.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: For those that do not know, what is the school?

Bwambale Robert Musubaho: Kasese Humanist School.

Jacobsen: What are the updates on the development of the education program?

Bwambale: We teach the Uganda curriculum, spice it with vocational skills training in carpentry, tailoring, computing, knitting, humanism and comparative religion. We right now have an ongoing program on critical thinking, music dance and drama, and gardening.

Jacobsen: What are the new developments from the kids there?

Bwambale: Most can now think freely and ask questions, most have curious minds, participate in gardening, outdoor physical education activities. Some are steadily developing a culture of reading books.

Jacobsen: How can people find new ways to donate or help in some manner for these and other school programs for the non-religious?


By sponsoring some of our needy children.

Sending scholastic items to benefit both learners and staffs.

Contributing to staff salaries and general teachers welfare.

Holding fundraising drives in communities in aid to Kasese Humanist Schools.

Organizational partnerships or collaborations with our school.

Jacobsen: Have there been threats to the wellbeing of the kids based on the non-religious nature of the education in the religious country?

Bwambale: Yes, some religious fanatics do tarnish our school that it doesn’t know god and that it believes in spirits, which actually are fabrications since its belief in religions that propagates spirits existence.

Jacobsen: What have been some of the exciting developments in the kids for their wellbeing?

Bwambale: Our kids have gained a balanced knowledge in whatever they are learning. Several have acquired basic skills in vocational studies.

Many have been in a position to explore the world using the internet, some have managed to get online and create friends, pen pal exchange campaigns through letter writing, many have got gifts and school fees from their sponsors.

Jacobsen: Thank you for the opportunity and your time, Robert.

Image Credit: Bwambale Robert Musubaho.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen is the Founder of In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal.

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