Good news in light of Pride Month!
Lawmakers in Germany voted on Friday, June 30th to legalize same-sex marriage. Germany is the 14th country in Europe to pass a measure for marriage equality. The 13 other European countries to have passed marriage equality laws are:
- Belgium
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Portugal
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
The Netherlands was the first to pass same-sex marriage equality in 2001. Finland was the last one before Germany to approve same sex marriage or marriage equality. This comes in the wake of a free vote provided by Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was against same-sex marriage.
The vote was 393–226, for-against, which is pretty much a supermajority. The vote was for “marriage for everybody.” Merkel’s Christian Democrat, Jan-Marco Luczak, said, “It would be absurd to try and protect marriage by preventing people to marry.” Germany’s first same-sex marriages are set to be celebrated early this coming fall.
This is a significant development given Germany’s role in the EU and in the world in general. It is both an economic power and a cultural one too. With such a decision, it can be predicted that other European nations will follow suit.
The Associated Press. (2017, June 30). Germany votes to legalize same-sex marriage despite Merkel’s thumbs down. Retrieved from
Carrel, P. & Shalal, A. (2017, June 30). German lawmakers approve same-sex marriage in landmark vote. Retrieved from
Connolly, K. (2017, June 30). German parliament votes to legalise same-sex marriage. Retrieved from
Lowder, J.B. (2017, June 30|). Same-Sex Marriage Finally Comes to Germany. Retrieved from
Vonberg, J. & Smith-Spark, L. (2017, June 30). German lawmakers vote to legalize same-sex marriage; Merkel votes no. Retrieved from
Original Publication in Humanist Voices.