Daily Archives: March 31, 2018

Fleeing Burundi and Finding Humanism with Aloys Habonimana

by | March 31, 2018

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Scott Douglas Jacobsen: You are Burundian, but have fled, recently. Why? Aloys Habonimana: In 2015, Burundi is fallen and in a political crisis, when the president wanted to stay in power illegally; the opposition parties and civil organizations were against that. I as a person who started to understand the importance of living… Read more »

Weekly Update: to

by | March 31, 2018

Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 24-Mar-2018 to 30-Mar-2018.

An Interview with Karen Loethen — Previous Member, Meramec Secular Student Alliance — Part 2

by | March 31, 2018

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What are your main concerns for the secular community off campus, in society that is, now? Karen Loethen: Oh, Scott, so many. I’ll try to keep my capitalizations down to a minimum. Lol I have HUGE concern for the many ways that the religious right has put institutional religion into… Read more »