What are your favourite Canadian atheist blogs?

by | August 9, 2017

There are a lot of quality blogs of interest to Canadian atheists out there, and I would like to give them some recognition.

This weekend I took a look through the list of blogs we link to (on the right of the page, usually), and it is in dire need of an update.

  • Some of those sites haven’t been updated in years (including my own, but that’s because I’ve moved it twice since it was put there; that link is outdated).
  • Others don’t really seem to be of interest to most CA readers. (I suppose Mukto-Mona was added when Avijit Roy became major news, and it’s a fine site, but I don’t think the average CA reader is normally interested in the goings-on in Bangladesh… nor do they speak Bangla. Anyway, the link is broken.)
  • Others have simply shifted focus away from the topics the average CA readers is interested in. (For example, Jason Thibeault’s Lousy Canuck blog is these days primarily about his efforts to keep The Orbit blog network up and running, along with the occasional article about ethical gaming. I think it’s still worth following, and follow it myself, but it doesn’t really seem to be of general interest to CA readers.)

(There is another, hidden, blog list on CA, that is much more up to date, but for some reason it was disabled quite a while ago. I haven’t bothered to enable it because the links are to things like Why Evolution is True, Skepchick, and Pharyngula, which are certainly of general interest, but not really specific to Canadian atheists. I might update/extend that list and make it visible, but it would be a secondary list. I want the primary CA blog list to be specific to Canadian atheism, because that’s what really sets itself apart from all those American blogs.)

I thought about stepping through the list and picking out the outdated ones, but so many were outdated that I though it would be better to just wipe the slate clean and start over.

So I’m opening the floor to suggestions from our readers. What blogs do you find interesting, that you think would be of general interest to Canadian Atheist readers?

Suggestions don’t just need to be about atheism in Canada… because, let’s face it, that’s a pretty small niche. Topics that CA readers might find interesting include:

  • Advocacy for atheism, secularism, freethought, humanism, evidence-based policy, and science in Canadian politics and governmental policy.
  • Sites that actively practice rational skepticism or freethought with regards to things like Canadian society, culture, or media.
  • Canadians or Canadian organizations who frequently write about secularism, humanism, atheism, or freethought, or related topics.

Also not that it doesn’t necessarily need to be a blog. Podcasts, vlogs, YouTube channels, online magazines, even webcomics… just about anything that publishes occasional items of interest to Canadian atheists.

As you can see, I’m casting a pretty wide net. Canadian atheism is related at least peripherally to a fairly broad range of topics. I’d even be interested in blogs that are more localized to a specific province, region, or city rather than being pan-Canadian.

Leave suggestions in the comments, or use social media (@CanAtheist on Twitter).

9 thoughts on “What are your favourite Canadian atheist blogs?

  1. Lynda Worth

    Godless Mom is an atheist parenting blog that I found through Facebook. She lives one city over from me here in BC and is rather fun to catch up with.


  2. Indi Post author

    I should have mentioned that of the blogs currently listed, the only one I think worth salvaging is Sandwalk (though the link needs updating to: https://sandwalk.blogspot.ca/).

    Dr. Moran is actually *right now* in the process of retiring from his day job, which could mean a lot less blogging, or a whole lot more… and I’m an optimist looking forward to what he can do with *time* on his hands.

    1. Indi Post author

      Yeah, it’s unfortunate that neither the blog nor the podcast has been updated in a year and a half. If it does become active again, it would certainly be worth listing.

      1. Shawn the Humanist

        Oh, I guess I should have checked. It was going so strong when I was last there that I just assumed it was active. Sorry about that.

  3. Indi Post author

    Here’s what I have so far:

    Godless Mom: http://godlessmom.com/
    Nice Mangos: https://nicemangos.blogspot.com/
    Sandwalk: https://sandwalk.blogspot.ca/

    Brainstorm Podcast: https://www.brainstormblog.net/
    The Reality Check: http://www.trcpodcast.com/
    Life, the Universe & Everything Else: https://lueepodcast.com/

    Bad Science Watch: http://www.badsciencewatch.ca/
    British Columbia Humanist Association: http://www.bchumanist.ca/
    Dying With Dignity Canada: http://www.dyingwithdignity.ca/
    Canadian Secular Alliance: http://secularalliance.ca/
    Centre for Inquiry Canada: http://centreforinquiry.ca/

    There’s still room for a lot more, and not everything listed here will necessarily make the cut.

  4. Shawn the Humanist

    Left at the Valley podcast (http://www.leftatthevalley.com/) seems to have a range of guests on that would all disagree with each other. Certainly some of my favourite (American) podcasters have been intervewed on here.

    1. Indi Post author

      Ah, I actually didn’t know that one (though I think I’ve heard the name somewhere). Sweet.


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