Civility wars

by | February 11, 2016

I have been on this nearly dead horse for a bit too long maybe, but here’s a question.

When is it reasonable and rational to leave civil discussion at the door, and rip someone a new asshole?

Give examples. What is something you won’t stand for?

Is there a point in a discussion, when there is no room left for civilized discussion?

I’ve been on both sides of this. I tend to think calm rationalism is the best way to go most of the time, and many people find that, in itself, infuriating. I have kinda a gift for the latter.

But sometimes, I agree, you just gotta drop those gloves and make your…. er… voice heard.

I tend to think ‘by any means necessary’ rhetoric goes too far into the realm of the psychopath, but sometimes I admit, I enjoy the means a little more than the ends. What is a rational person to do?

2 thoughts on “Civility wars

  1. billybob

    “When is it reasonable and rational to leave civil discussion at the door, and rip someone a new asshole?”

    When they utter the name Hitler!


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