Daily Archives: January 14, 2016

Are Many Atheist Bloggers “Victims”?

by | January 14, 2016

In a post entitled “Why the study of literature is going extinct,” Jerry Coyne quotes from Gary Saul Morson’s essay “Why college kids are avoiding the study of literature“: “Nothing makes us less capable of empathy than consciousness of victimhood. Self-conscious victimhood leads to cruelty that calls itself righteousness and thereby generates more victims. Students… Read more »

CBC thinks you can’t be evil if you believe in God

by | January 14, 2016

Ah, CBC. You giveth, then – without fail – you taketh away. Literally the day after a rather decent documentary about atheist minister Gretta Vosper – which, admittedly, was not decent due to CBC’s editorial decisions as much as it was decent due to Vosper making a good showing of her own case – the… Read more »