Peterborough Ontario’s Rob Ford

by | October 18, 2015

Twitter was all atwitter yesterday about Stephen Harper’s attendance at a rally promoted by Rob and Doug Ford. CBC news describes Rob Ford as

the former Toronto mayor who admitted to using crack cocaine while in office

However, although former Peterborough MP Dean Del Mastro’s attack on Justin Trudeau and Liberal candidate Maryam Monsef has received less attention, Peterborough This Week dedicated a whole column to an entry on Del Mastro’s Facebook page:

In deciding who you are going to vote for on Monday please keep in mind that we are living in dangerous, not difficult times. Anyone that feels that Justin Trudeau or Maryam Monsef have either the experience or knowledge to deal with a rapidly crumbling international comunity is fooling themselves. Remember Justin Trudeau’s first idea/suggestion on how to deal with the genocidal actions of ISIS was to send winter coats.

Peterborough This Week printed a selection of the responses to Del Mastro’s Facebook post, but what’s surprising is how many people support and agree with Del Mastro even after he was found “guilty of violating the Canada Elections Act by overspending his elections limit and attempting to cover up the violation.” Lillian McIntyre says,

Couldn’t agree more Dean !

However, the best dissenting comment comes from David Anthony:

Ata boy Dean! One of Harper’s old convicted criminals coming out to bats for him. Between the crackhead Ford brothers in Etobicoke, a shackled Del Mastro and that Lizard of OZ, Crosby, who is now distancing himself from Harper’s pathetic campaign of fear and division, the Liberals are in a great position with 5 days left to go. Watching Harper lose to Justin Trudeau of all people, is going to be one of the highlights of my life. Your time is UP, CONS. BYE!

“How is Rob Ford’s and Del Mastro’s support for Harper relevant to Canadian atheists?” you ask. It isn’t relevant: Ford claims to have had “a come-to-Jesus moment,” and Del Mastro “identifies as a Catholic, but generally attends a Pentecostal church service.”  However, elections are relevant to Canadian atheists, so Canadian atheists should be aware and be wary of voting advice that comes from Rob Ford and Dean Del Mastro.

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