Shawn announces the launch of Secular Lynx, a new and welcome addition to the Canadian blogsphere:
Welcome. My name is Shawn and this blog, the Secular Lynx, is designed to be a secular news portal. My immediate goal for this site is to be a single location to find information about secularism in Canada. Get bulletins that link you to where the story is developing.
How will I do this? I am monitoring other blogs and forums that provide Canadian news and linking to them with a short summary. Right now I do not plan to provide extensive commentary.
Why am I doing this? Because I cannot find one place that covers most Canadian news. There are many great sources of Canadian news, and great discussion. But they are full blogs that require you to step through lots of other great content. But I cannot read them all. I want to link out to those from here so if you are interested in the state of play in Canada you can find that here, and look through the archives here to catch up on stories. Now, I have my own resource. I can know that the stories will be listed here going forward, and can use this to find sources and discussion on other sites.
I intend this site to be a one stop shop for looking up and keeping up with Canadian news on religious privilege, religious discrimination, and building a society based on equity and reason.
How you can help:
*Read these stories
*Share these stories (or the stories I link to) to raise awareness in Canada
*Send in news tips and links to
*Volunteer to be a contributor to this site by monitoring sources
And finally, you can follow me on Twitter and like Secular Lynx on Facebook. If you are a WordPress user, follow on WordPress.
Shawn monitors Canadian Atheist and links to selected posts. Thank you Shawn!
Thank, Veronica. And you all keep up the good work!