From the Toronto Star: “Your belief that your husband would resurrect is not an issue,” Superiour Court Justice Marjoh Agro said at her plea Monday.“This is not about your religious beliefs. It is about your safety, the safety of your children and the safety of the community at large.”
A 50-year-old-woman in Hamilton’s north end sealed the corpse of her deceased 52-year-old-husband in her bedroom and taped shut the ducts in hopes that her husband would be resurrected.
“We were trusting God . . . we thought, ‘OK, Lord, you know better,’ ” Kaling told the Hamilton Spectator after court Monday, with lawyer Peter Boushy by her side.
Now that’s showing consistency with one’s faith while refusing to accept facts, even when right in front of you.
You can read the full story here: Hamilton family left corpse upstairs for six months expecting resurrection | Toronto Star.
Wow! That is crazy. I would hate to have been anyone walking into that room. Gross!
Denialism is a form of mental illness.
The ability to not believe in something that is factual because reality does not conform to deeply held beliefs is an unfortunate fact of human consciousness.
The ability to believe in something that is not factual because reality does not conform to deeply held beliefs is also an unfortunate fact of human consciousness.
This woman had an amazing ability to disregard reality.
Most people do. She probably just thought she could do it better.