CFI Canada was proud to host Carolyn Hyppolite at its office at 55 Eglinton Avenue East (Suite 307) in Toronto on July 25, 2014 for the launch of her book, Still Small Voices: The Testimony of a Born Again Atheist. Carolyn Hyppolite’s talk is now available on video:
Powerful sermon.
The psychology of belief is fascinating.
This takes me back to when I was thirteen or so.
There is another arena to explore after all the belief issues are dealt with and this is the psychology of the biblical authors.
The old testament was devised as a way for the Jews to profit from war. Some recent literary analysts believe that the new testament was written as a way to persuade people, within the Roman Empire, to bend to the imperial will.
Reading the scriptures with these ideas in back of your mind provides a very different learning experience.
The Bible then becomes very rational: diabolical, but rational.