Notable Quote

by | May 26, 2014

Justin Trudeau was asked whether he planned to meet with Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prendergast to discuss Trudeau’s views on abortion.

His answer, while not as pithy as some of his father’s ripostes, is worth noting:

“I have a lot of respect for his eminence and for any leaders within the church, but I do want to highlight that he has a very different role than I do.”

“My role is to stand up and defend all Canadians and my role in terms of that is separate from any personal religious views.”

As Trudeau points out, Prendergast and Thomas Collins were not elected by Canadians. Prendergast and Collins owe their positions and titles to the Vatican, a foreign power that should have no influence over Canadian politics.

3 thoughts on “Notable Quote

  1. Andy

    He is already taking flak for doing the right thing. Church and state must be separate.

  2. Ray McLennan

    It is refreshing to see a political leader be honest and state very plainly the way it should be. bravo


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