The Agenda Wants To Know: What Questions Do You Want Ontario’s Party Leaders to Answer?
On June 3, Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne, Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak, and NDP Leader Andrea Horwath square off on live television in a debate moderated by The Agenda’s own Steve Paikin. . . .
During the debate, the leaders will be asked to answer questions from members of the public. . . .
Got a question for the leaders? Share it with us. You can leave your question in a comment below this post, or send us an e-mail to You can also reach out to us with a question via social media: Post a question to our Facebook page, or tweet us a question at @TheAgenda and include the hashtag #ONdebate. Some of you may be contacted by us to see if you’d be willing to record your segment so it can be played to the leaders during the live broadcast June 3.
This is your chance to question Ontario’s party leaders on the issues that matter to you.
Civil Rights in Public Education (CRIPE) has a suggestion for those who would like to see one secular school system in Ontario:
everyone send in a question on your objection to the public funding of the Roman Catholic separate school system. If you give your name AND location, those who receive the questions will know that this topic of separate–school funding is widespread, right across the province. This is something everyone can do – make your question short and to the point.
Here’s my question: Why do you refuse to consider creating one secular school system in Ontario?
Question for Hudak: When will the Romulans come to take you home? You’ve overstayed your welcome.
When discussing an Open schools plan and an inclusive, accountable legislature how can we be successful when religion still stands as the elephant in the room dividing our systems? When Prayer still occurs before a meeting of the legislature, when catholics can get government funding to segregate their children?
The way I understand it, Wynne believes in inclusiveness and Hudak in fiscal responsibility. How then can they continue to support fully funding the Catholic Public School Board?
Spencer Lucas
Director Sudbury Centre For Inquiry
Are any of you considering implementing the green party’s shut down of the catholic school board? Why or why not?
Mr Hudak with all your proposed cuts , how do you plan that our students learn properly with increased class sizes and the diversity in each class with no EA support. You are punishing children because of your issue with unions. Shame on you. 100000 times their families and friends means a lot of votes you’ll lose. Not a very good way to get votes. It’s sad that people are willing to take a chance with the liberals and waste of money rather than your slash approach.