Daily Archives: May 18, 2014

Uri Geller And The Mighty Spoon-Orilla

by | May 18, 2014

Uri Geller, the Israeli self-described “mystifier” who spent decades impressing the credulous with his supposed psychic and telekinetic powers, really likes his spoons. The “short biography” on his website recounts that a spoon “curled up in his hand and broke, although he had applied no physical pressure to it” when he was five years old.… Read more »

Electoral reform

by | May 18, 2014

The next federal election is tentatively scheduled for October next year, but it seems like everyone is already in campaign mode – indeed, it seems like they’ve been in campaign mode since 2011 (one wonders if Trudeau was born in campaign mode). Ontarians are going to the polls in a few weeks, while Quebeckers just… Read more »